Friday, January 4, 2008

Making Offering & Prostation

Dharma Talk by Living Buddha Lian Sheng on 30/3/92
(page 39-41 Achievement of Rainbow Light Body volume five)

Previously, Bodhisattvas Nagarjuna and Apratisthita always taught Er Zhi (two branch practices) to their disciples. What is Er Zhi ? It is none other than making offering and prostration. - two of the most important concepts in Tantrayana Buddhism.

Many poor Tibetans sew remnants of cloth together and offer it to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas by hanging the clothes in the temples . What they make are inexpensive, and yet beautiful in decorating the temple.

The sacred shrine must be both level and neat. The floor must not be uneven, and the items offered must be clean . Photographs of the triple gem must be enshrined to solemnize ourselves.

Why do we make offering to Gods and Demons ? It is for meritorious collections of wealth and food. Once they receive our offering , the Gods and Demons will reciprocate and return us more. This is how we can accumulate merit for ourselves, and why we must make offering.

Yesterday we prostrated and paid respect to the triple gem to solemnize ourselves. And we made offering to Gods and Demons to accumulate merit. Today we carry out the remaining five branch practices ( 7 branch practices are prostration, offering, confession, rejoicing, requesting, supplication, and dedication)

In Tantrayana Buddhism, doing great offering is tantamount to giving alms. Once our sacred shrine is solemnly decorated, we would have a liking to cultivate in it and will be able to meditate for a long time. And our mood will also be affected by the photographs of the triple gem. Therefore prostration and offering are used to signify long meditation and giving alms.

There is an important adage which goes like this : "We will make no progress from poor offering !" It simply means unless we decorate our shrines properly and make decent offerings, we will not make any progress in our spiritual cultivation.

In conclusion, we must not neglect prostration and offering. By offering to Gods and Demons , we can accumulate merit. By prostration, we can dignify ourselves. By decorating the shrines, we can meditate longer . And finally a proper offering is a form of alms-giving.

Om Mani Padme Hum