Monday, December 31, 2007

Cherish The Tantric Lineage

Cherish The Tantric Lineage
by His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng
This teaching was given at Seattle Ray Tseng Temple on Sept 17, 1997.

Today we shall talk about Cherish the Tantric lineage.

The lineage of our True Buddha School is very unique and precious. It has embodied the lineage of Nyingma, Kadyud , Gelug and Sakya sects of Buddhism. It is a rare occasion that all the four main Tantric lineages converge into one school.

We have very profound Dharma, Great Perfection, Maha Mudra, Great perfect wisdom and Yamatakra just to name a few.

Besides lineage and Dharma, the honour given to our school is also unrivalled.

Gan Dan Di Pa, the highest Dharma King amongst the Tibetan Living Buddhas gave me his used implements - bell, Vajra and drum as presents in a recent ritual. He even gave me his ceremonial robe - This can be considered a significant event as he has transmitted his precious lineage to me.

In Tantrayana, lineage is highly valued. When I am given the robe, it is evident that my lineage is being recognized. And this was not the only example.

Recently I told two Rinpoches not to receive empowerment from me in a ritual held at Waken Lei Zang Si in Los Angeles. But they insisted: "We are perfectly happy to receive empowerment from you - Living Buddha Lian Sheng". "But you are already Rinpoches. It is not necessary for you to receive empowerment from me!". Their determination serves as concrete evidence.

Why do Rinpoches still want to receive empowerment? Although they are already considered Living Buddhas by many, they believe my spiritual attainment is higher than their own. Hence they do not want to lose out; they treasure my Dharma. In their words: "high, high". There were even more Rinpoches who came to receive empowerment after Gan Dan Di Pa gave me his ceremonial robe. Many Rinpoches have taken refuge in True Buddha School. The earliest was Rinpoche Da Chen, and the latest Rinpoche Tu Den Jia Xi Ren.

The Dharma stream of True Buddha School has emitted a kind of radiance - just like Rainbow Light Great Attainment. Once they come across True Buddha School, they will be surprised by the radiance of my body and accolade. They will be fully convinced that they must take refuge and receive empowerment from me. The light that I emit is like a magnet that would attract them to receive empowerment, take refuge and give me the robe of Dharma King.

This is not something that I concocted. I did not want to empowerment them as they are Rinpoches, but they insisted. You have witnessed them taking refuge in me and receiving empowerment from me - Living Buddha Lian Sheng of True Buddha School.

The grades of Rinpoches are very clearly distinguished. Some are highly seated and some are not. True Buddha Tantra must be very special, as it is able to attract those who are seated at high positions to receive empowerment and even take refuge in me.

In future, I am sure those Dharma teachers and masters who propagate True Buddha Tantra will be honoured as their teacher is considered the Living Buddha of all Living Buddhas. He is also the Dharma Prince of all Dharma Princes. Above all, he is the guru and teacher of all Living Buddhas.

How do I achieve this? After I have mastered the inner Tantra, my high prestige and boundless radiance will show outwardly. This dignity will magnetize them.

In future, True Buddha school will have more than four million disciples. They will be attracted by you, and take refuge in you. Thus the Dharma power of Tantrayana is inconceivable.

That is all for today.

Om Mani Padme Hum